Are you ready to move on with your life and file divorce? In this video, Attorney Donna L. Haslinger discusses grounds for divorce in Buffalo.
- In New York State, no-fault grounds mean you can get divorced because your marriage has been irretrievably broken for six months.
- Prior to 2010, when New York State adopted no-fault grounds, people had to base their divorce on specific grounds such as cruel and inhuman treatment, adultery that could be contested by the other spouse.
- Today’s no-fault grounds mean that the responding spouse cannot contest the divorce. If one spouse wants a divorce but the other doesn’t, the divorce will happen.
- Rather than focusing on the grounds for divorce, make plans for moving forward by addressing such issues as children, houses, and money.
Are you ready to move on with your life and file divorce and have questions about what qualifies as grounds for divorce in Buffalo? In this video, Buffalo Divorce Attorney Donna L. Haslinger discusses grounds for divorce in Buffalo. If you are considering divorce and have questions about the process, please contact us to schedule a consultation. We welcome the opportunity to assist you.