Lawyers in Buffalo NY / Divorce Timeline

Divorce Timeline

There is no easy way to estimate the divorce timeline. We created this educational video by Buffalo Divorce Lawyer Donna L. Haslinger to explain how to understand and manage the divorce timeline. If you have questions about your specific divorce or family law matter, contact our office to schedule an appointment. We welcome the opportunity to serve you and your family.

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  • If the spouses are cooperative, their divorce can be completed in a few months.
  • When spouses are completely uncooperative, their divorce may drag on for years.
  • The longer your divorce goes on, the more money it will cost.
  • Based on what might be called a typical case, my practice is able to wrap up most divorces in six to nine months, when both parties are reasonable.
  • The process carries a certain amount of anxiety, but it can be shortened when both sides are willing to move forward toward a resolution.

Download Our Free Family Law Guide

Out of Town Legal Resources

This Oklahoma Divorce Attorney has done a great job creating educational content. If you need help with a divorce claim in Oklahoma, we recommend you take a look at their website.

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